A collection of salty poetry that showcases the power of His free exchange -‘the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness’

(Isaiah 61 v 3 -...

Rachel Smith
Rachel Smith

My name is Rachel Smith and I write Holy Spirit fuelled poetry to shine God’s light into areas of life that are often glossed over. 

My aim is to inspire readers to let the light of Jesus permeate through every part of their being, thus embracing the free exchange of –

‘the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness’

Isaiah 61 v 3 (KJV).

I hope my writing helps to bring clarity, joy and freedom to those who read it.

P.S. Always remember -

'The light shines in the darkness,

and the darkness can never extinguish it.'

John 1 v 5 (NLT)


Garments Of Praise

A collection of salty poetry that showcases the power of His free exchange -

‘the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness’

(Isaiah 61 v 3 - KJV)

Organising Your Phone

Our relationship with our smartphone can be complicated. One minute we’re marvelling at their usefulness and the next we’re berating ourselves for spending too much time on them.

In this e-book, I share two simple solutions for transforming your smartphone from a place of chaos and overwhelm to peace and purpose.

Tell the Truth Poems presents: I Am Speaks

Are you looking for God? Are you longing to hear from him? This spirit-inspired collection of poetry written in a season of darkness may be just what you need.

In the isolation and quietness that so often accompany human suffering; our ear for God can become more finely tuned if we’re willing to engage with him.

This collection is just one example...
